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Connecting the Dots Between Content, Projects and Team

Kinship helps you understand the relationship between your content, projects and team members, so you can get the insights you need to make the right decisions as you work in Revit.

It can be easy to fall into the trap of treating content, project and team management as separate areas of your Revit environment.

But all three of these are connected and you can't hope to be effective in one without considering the others.

Kinship helps you connect the dots to make sure you have access to the data and insights you need to make the right decisions as you work in Revit. Here's why that matters.

Help your team work faster and smarter in Revit

Your content, projects and team members are three key ingredients of your work in Revit, and they are all intimately interconnected. Consider the following questions:

Being able to answer these types of questions helps you and your team avoid running into issues. But in order to answer any of them accurately, you need to be able to look at information that connects your content, models and team together.

If your project analytics don't work with your content management system, and if you can’t tie those to the team members working on projects, you'll likely miss out on opportunities to help your team work faster and smarter.

Let’s take a closer look at some examples that illustrate why it’s important to be able to connect the dots between content, projects and team.

Does your library have the right content?

When you're unable to assess how frequently content is being used, who is using it in what projects and where it originally came from, how can you expect to know if you have the right content in your library?

In Kinship, your library shows you which content has been used the most, as well as how consistently and how broadly, so you can quickly tell which content is proving useful versus which content might need attention or replacing. You can then dig deeper to see exactly where, when and how each family has been used across your team's projects.

Library content sorted by quantity used and a family's Project Instances page showing details of project usage.
See which library content has been used the most in projects (left) and get full details of each family's usage across your projects (right).

You can also look at a project and quickly establish if its content came from your approved library or from internet downloads, other projects or even other plugins. You can then check to see if you need to replace that content with something from your library, clean it up or create a new family that's up to your standards.

Project content page in Kinship showing the source of each Revit family.
At a glance you can determine the source of content in your Revit models.

How good is the content in your projects?

Content in your project models may have health issues such as being incorrectly hosted or missing important connectors. Families may also get corrupted, and this could cause the Revit model to crash or become unstable.

Kinship’s project analytics provides a breakdown of all the families loaded in your models, highlighting any corrupt families and health warnings. You can see both at a glance and in granular detail which families need attention and why. You can also discover what kinds of modifications people are making to content within models, so you can ensure your team is following your project standards and that your library content meets project requirements.

Project content page in Kinship showing Revit families that have potential health issues.
Easily spot content in your Revit projects that has potential health issues.

Do some projects require specific content?

Content management doesn't sit in a silo, and some projects will demand specific content. It's important to find an intelligent way to link project-specific content to the models and teams that need to use it.

In Kinship, you can do this by assigning collections to projects. When a collection is assigned to a project, the collection’s content will show up at the top of users’ Kinship search results when they’re working on that project. This will help guide teams to use the right content when searching in Kinship.

Content from assigned collections appears at the top of search results for that project in Revit.
Content from a project’s assigned collections appears at the top of search results when working on that project in Revit.

Do your team members have the right IT setup?

It's important to make sure that your team has the right tools for the job. If you rely only on general IT data or staff training records, it will be difficult to assess how effectively your team is working in Revit today.

Kinship shows you which projects are running in which versions of Revit. You can also see what projects people are actively working on, which can help establish when it's safe to start phasing out older versions of Revit.

In addition, you can see data on which devices team members are using, which versions of Revit they have installed, as well as their sync times, activity logs and crash analytics to spot and fix problems with their IT setup.

Kinship team member page showing details on devices, Revit crashes, Revit versions and more.
Team member page showing details on devices, Revit crashes, Revit versions and more.

Integration is key

All Kinship accounts come with the same features and analytics to help our customers connect the dots between content, projects and team.

The more interconnected your management of these three areas, the more value you’ll be able to get from your team’s work in Revit.

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