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What’s New – April 2024

It’s that time again. We’ve added a handful of improvements in March and April that make viewing and sharing your content in Kinship easier than ever.

New sorting option for recently loaded content.

You now have the option to sort content by Most Recent, which arranges items based on which content the user has most recently loaded either from the web or Revit add-in.

Screenshot of components library showing the new dropdown features.

All sorting options can now be viewed in ascending or descending order.

The new arrow symbol in the “Sort by” dropdown lets you toggle between ascending and descending order for all sorting options in the library and collections.Screenshot of library showing the new dropdown features.

Display of family Revit versions in a listing.

Previously, when you clicked on a family in a listing, the lowest Revit version of that family was shown first. After receiving some feedback from customers, we realized this didn’t quite make sense. It would often lead to team members loading an older Revit version than the one they needed.

Now, if you have Revit open, the family with the matching version will be displayed. And if you don’t have any active Revit session, the highest Revit version of the family will be shown.

Meta-Category pages have been reorganized.

When going into the “meta-category” pages in the Library (e.g. components, systems, annotations & details, etc.), the individual category shortlists are now shown by most recently used. This sorting is personalized to the team member who is viewing the page.

Screenshot of components library showing the furnitue, lighting fixtures and mechanical equipment collections.

Removing duplicate invitations.

If you try to share a collection with someone who already has access to that collection, the share dialog will now indicate this and allow you to remove the duplicate.

Dialog alerting '1 existing recipient. Remove duplicate'


That’s all for this edition of What’s New in Kinship. We’ll be back next month to share the highlights of what we’re getting up to in May.

If you have any questions or comments on these or other Kinship features, contact us at or click the feedback icon in the Kinship web app. Fire away!



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