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What's New – January 2023

Check out new features and improvements for searching projects, checking which versions of Kinship and Revit your team is running, measuring how frequently content is used and more.

Since our last new feature roundup, our product team has been busy behind the scenes crushing bugs and rolling out new features to help you work smarter with Kinship and Revit.

Let’s take a look at what’s new.

Filter search results in Revit based on project, or restrict them to a single project

Kinship users have long been able to filter search results based on library and lists when searching in Revit.

Following customer feedback, you now have the option to filter or restrict search results in Revit based on project.

When a project is selected, content from models as well as any collections assigned to a project will be returned. You also have the option to limit search results to only a specific project.

Projects filter menu in the Kinship Revit add-in.
Projects filter menu in the Kinship Revit add-in.

Easily see which Revit and Kinship installations need updating

We've launched an updated Devices section on users' profiles and preferences pages to make it quicker and easier to see which devices need updating with the latest versions of Revit or Kinship.

Updated Devices section on the user profile and preferences page showing pending updates to Kinship and Revit.
Updated Devices section on the user profile and preferences page showing pending updates to Kinship and Revit.

Improved activity filters for team members

We've improved activity filters in team member listings so you can filter for users that have been active within the last 30, 90, 180 or 360 days. You can also filter to see which users have been inactive for over 30 days.

New Activity filter in team member listings.
New Activity filter in team member listings.

Status board charts highlight unsupported Revit versions

We have improved the colors shown in the status board so it's easier for administrators to see if the team uses a Revit version no longer supported by Autodesk. Unsupported versions are now shown in grayscale while supported versions are shown in color.

Support goes to the current version of Revit plus the three prior versions. So, with Revit 2023, 2019 is the first version that's no longer supported.

Charts for Revit versions now show unsupported versions in grayscale.
Charts for Revit versions now show unsupported versions in grayscale.

Improvements to search on the website

Global search and all listings on the Kinship website offer new and improved functionality. You now get more relevant search results, enhanced camel-case support plus smarter handling of separators, units and special characters.

Updated search results page in Kinship.
Updated search results page in Kinship.

Improved compatibility with Speckle

We’ve resolved a compatibility issue with Speckle where content was blocked from being added to Kinship when both plugins were running at the same time.

Improved thumbnails for clearance zones

Thumbnails are automatically generated when users add content to Kinship.

Some elements that don't form part of a family's geometry, such as MEP connectors and light sources, are hidden automatically.

Revit users often place clearance zone geometry into a dedicated subcategory, and these include elements that users also want to be hidden from thumbnails in Kinship.

Now when a family is added to Kinship, elements belonging to subcategories "Clash Detection" and "Access Zone" have been added to known clearance zone subcategories and will no longer be visible in automatically generated thumbnails.

More ways to measure how frequently content is used

Component and annotation family usage is calculated based on how many instances of them are in models.

Depending on the type of content, system families usage is calculated either by length for pipes, ducts and similar, or by area for content like walls and floors.

Now all views, view templates, sheets, legends, groups, filled regions and fill patterns display the number of times they were successfully inserted into projects.

For non-family Revit content like drafting views and sheets, Kinship now displays the total number of successful project insertions.
For non-family content like drafting views and sheets, Kinship now displays the total number of successful project insertions.

That’s a wrap for this edition of What’s New. As always, if you have questions or feedback on these or other Kinship features, just hit the feedback icon on your Kinship website or send us an email at We review all feedback carefully.

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